Dentures Dan Dube Dentist Wilmington NC


Dentures allow those who have lost some or all of their teeth to regain normal eating and speaking habits.  Also dentures boost their self-confidence and to promote all-around oral health.

What is the difference between dentures and partial dentures?

There are two different kinds of dentures—full dentures and partial dentures.  The denture you need is determined by how many teeth you have lost.  Those who lose all of their teeth need complete dentures, while those who lose just a few teeth can likely receive partial denture sets.

Those who receive full dentures must also decide between conventional and immediate dentures.  Here is the difference between the two:

  • Conventional dentures are made after all teeth are removed and the gums begin to heal.  They are ready for placement about three months after the removal of the teeth.
  • Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed whenever the teeth are removed.  They are, indeed, “immediate,” which is satisfying to many denture wearers.  It is important to note that bones and gums can shrink over time.  Immediate dentures usually require more adjustments and ongoing maintenance work.

Partial dentures are comprised of a removable plastic base—colored to match the gums—that contains replacement teeth.  Partial dentures work alongside natural teeth.  They also are held in place via a metal framework.

Dentures actually promote oral health by holding those natural teeth firmly in place.

Dentures FAQs

Are there alternatives to partial or complete dentures?

Yes, Dental implants can be used in a number of ways to significantly improve denture function and retention. Implants can even be used to eliminate a denture completely. This is accomplished by making a permanent bridge that attaches to the implants.

What is it like to live with dentures?

Dentures will take a few days to get used to, especially getting them on and off, but the pain caused is minimal, and should lessen as you become more accustomed to wearing them. Those with new dentures should also be aware that small canker sores can sometimes be formed, until the dentures have had their final adjustment.

Some patients have concerns about how dentures will impact their speaking, their eating, and their general appearance. After the first couple of days of wearing your dentures, you should not face any problems speaking.  If you do encounter any discomfort or any clicking sounds, simply consult Dr. Dube for an adjustment.

You will likely need to stick to a soft diet for a few days, but as you get used to wearing dentures, you can move back to your regular diet. Finally, dentures are made to closely resemble natural teeth, so your appearance should not be altered.

Does insurance cover the cost of dentures?

This is a question that patients must address with their individual insurance companies. Most insurance companies will cover at least part of the cost of dentures.  Some insurance companies will cover the entire cost.